Parent Association Meetings (2024-2025)
Agenda by: Serena Rodriguez, President Video by: Tyrone Leader, Parent Coordinator
Minutes by: Chaney Matos, Secretary Financial Report by: Andrea Tulloch, Treasurer
November TBD, 2024
Agenda | Minutes | Attendance
No Video
Parent Association Meetings (2023-2024)
Agenda by: Cheyeanne Zelaya, President Video by: Tyrone Leader, Parent Coordinator
Minutes by: Chaney Matos, Secretary Financial Report by: Venica Heath, Treasurer
Oct. 2023
Nov. 2023
Dec. 2023
Parent Association Meetings (2022-2023)
Agenda by: Dejonae Pettaway, President Video by: Tyrone Leader, Parent Coordinator
Minutes by: Kimmerly Allen, Secretary Financial Report by: Venica Heath, Treasurer
Sep. 2022
Agenda | Transcript | Attendance
Oct. 2022
Nov. 2022
Agenda | Transcript | Attendance
Expedited Elections
Dec. 2022
Agenda | Transcript | Attendance
Jan. 2023
Agenda | Transcript | Attendance
Feb. 2023
Agenda | Transcript | Attendance
Mar. 2023
Agenda | Transcript | Attendance
Apr. 2023
Agenda | Transcript | Attendance
May 2023
Agenda | Transcript | Attendance
Jun. 2023
Agenda | Transcript | Attendance
Jul. 2023
Aug. 2023
Parent Association Meetings (2021-2022)
Agenda by: Dejonae Pettaway, President Video by: Tyrone Leader, Parent Coordinator
Minutes by: Lashandra Francis, Secretary Financial Report by: Steffanie Bonilla, Treasurer
Sep. 2021
Oct. 2021
Agenda | Transcript | Video
Election Meeting 2021-2022
Nov. 2021
Agenda | Transcript | Video
November Meeting (Postponed)
Dec. 2021
Agenda | Minutes
Audio | Transcript | Video
December Meeting 12/9/2021
Jan. 2022
Agenda | Minutes
Audio | Transcript | Video
January Meeting 1/13/2022
Feb. 2022
Agenda | Minutes
Audio | Transcript | Video
February Meeting 2/10/2022
Mar. 2022
Agenda | Minutes
Audio | Transcript | Video
March Meeting 3/10/2022
Apr. 2022
Agenda | Minutes
Audio | Transcript | Video
April Meeting 4/14/2022
May 2022
Jun. 2022
Agenda | Minutes
Audio | Transcript | Video
June Meeting 6/9/2022
Jul. 2022
Aug. 2022
Parent Association Meeting Overview (2020-2021)
Agenda by: Yanira Ferreira, President Video by: Tyrone Leader, Parent Coordinator
Minutes by: Neisha Jones, Secretary Financial Report by: Corinthia Johnson, Treasurer
May 2021
Election Documents:
Agenda | Minutes | Video
Video Coming Soon!
Jun. 2021
Meeting Documents:
Agenda | Minutes | Video
Video Coming Soon!
Jul. 2021
Aug. 2021
Parent Association Meeting Overview (2019-2020)
Written by Vacant, PA Secretary
Sept. Meeting Overview (Current)
Oct. Meeting Overview
Nov. Meeting Overview
Dec. Meeting Overview
Jan. Meeting Overview
Feb. Meeting Overview
Mar. Meeting Overview
Apr. Meeting Overview
May. Meeting Overview
Jun. Meeting Overview
No Meeting
No Meeting
Parent Association Meeting Overview 2017-2018
Written by Letecia Stewart, PA President
February Meeting Overview
Hello PGMS Parents (
ALL HANDS ON DECK! There is a lot coming up over the next few months, and you are a very important part of making sure everything turns out a big success.
Dream Big Talent Competition
The PA will once again sponsor a talent show to showcase our student performers and encourage their dreams. Kids will need to audition to ensure their acts are appropriate for school, and they will need your help practicing if they want to win that trophy. We need parent volunteers to help organize and work the event.
"Beyond Special" Education Workshop
The March 15th PA meeting will put a spotlight on special education. We’ll cover advocacy topics that all parents can benefit from, and we will acknowledge some special students who have been making great progress. Please invite family and friends who might be interested.
Movie Night
We are hoping to schedule this for a day in March with a movie that highlights strong women (in honor of Women’s History Month)
Block Party
We will close out the year with a block party for all students. We need parents volunteers to help organize and work the event. It will be a fun time for all!
All of these great events and activities happen because of the funds we raise. Help put more money in the treasury by supporting these fundraisers:
- Miss Chocolate candy fundraiser – Contact Mr. Leader if you would like a box of candy to sell or purchase for your child’s class.
- Parent Association dues – Please donate $10 (or however much you can) for the PA treasury
- Bake Sale – There will be some nice treats to available for purchase on Parent-Teacher Conference day. Please come by and support.
Even if your child doesn’t perform in the talent show or is not in a special education classroom, it takes a village (and you know what I mean!). Let’s make sure this village is strong. ALL of our children deserve to be nurtured, so parents come out and show these kids that we have their backs.
You can reach the PA Executive Board with your questions, suggestions, comments, or concerns at We look forward to hearing from you!
Until next time,
Letecia Stewart
PA President
January Meeting Overview (January 2018)
Coming Soon. Meeting Date: Saturday, January 13, 2018 at 10:30am.
Agenda Not Yet Available.
Parent Association Meeting Overview (December 2017)
Hello PGMS Parents,
This month’s PA meeting was less about conducting business, although we did make some announcements, and more about getting to know one another as parents and people. We ate donuts, drank pumpkin cider, and listened to relaxing holiday music. We got to chat with 8th grade Assistant Principal Mr. Biernat who stopped by to visit with us, and we saw our Secretary Ms. Madera in her “ugly” Christmas sweater and reindeer ears.
Things to note:
- We will begin our annual candy fundraiser in January. More information to come in regards to selling and purchasing.
- For $5.00, parents can purchase a candy box with a special message that will be delivered to their child’s classroom on Valentine’s Day. Money can be sent in between January 8th and February 9th.
- We are looking to reschedule the Winter Wonderland Family Dance for Thursday, February 8th. More news to come on that.
- If you have any Box Tops, please send them in during the month of January so they can be submitted.
- Congrats go out to our holiday raffle winners. Ms. Bandhoo (mother of Stephanie Bandhoo) won the $50 Visa gift card and Ms. Fraser (mother of Kailey Thomas) won the Avon gift basket.
The Parent Association is not just about fundraising. It’s about supporting one another in our efforts to raise intelligent, responsible children. We can only accomplish this by talking together and sharing our fears and experiences. So I encourage more parents to get involved. Attend the meetings. Be active participants in making Pelham Gardens the best possible learning environment it can be for all of our children. Don’t leave the executive board to speak on your behalf. Be present and make your own voice heard.
On behalf of the PA Executive Board, Lynette, Wendy and I wish each of you a happy and safe holiday season. See you in 2018 at the next PA meeting on Saturday, January 13th!
Letecia Stewart
PA President
Parent Association Meeting Overview (November 2017)
Meeting Date: November 9, 2017 at 6:30pm.
Overview Not Available.
Parent Association Meeting Overview (October 2017)
Parent Association Meeting Overview (September 2017)
To All PGMS Parents,
Welcome – or Welcome Back — to Pelham Gardens Middle School! I hope the 2017-2018 school year has gotten off to a good start. Things certainly kicked off well at our first Parent Association meeting of the year. Numerous parents came and were able to connect, learn about PA goals, and meet Parent Coordinator, Tyrone Leader.
Here are some of the meeting highlights:
- Why does the Parent Association push to do so much throughout the year? The answer is simple. We do it for the children – all of our children. The more parents we have ACTIVELY involved in the Parent Association, the more we can do for our children. There will be plenty of PA sponsored activities and events throughout the school year, so we ask all parents to please consider how they can contribute resources or volunteer time.
- Parents were asked to consider joining one of the PA committees. Standing committees include Activities & Events, Alumni Association, Communications, Community Outreach, Fundraising, and Staff Support. Anyone interested in joining a committee can send an email to or inform Mr. Leader.
- Parents were encouraged to attend the monthly School Leadership Team meetings. Dates are always included on the monthly school calendar distributed by Mr. Leader.
- Fundraising is a big part of Parent Association activities. In fact, we can sponsor no activities without it. To form that base fund, all parents are asked to donate $10 dues to the PA. If every parent gives, we will be well on our way toward securing enough funds to complete the many things we would like to do this year. If you would like to pay your $10 PA dues, you can give the money to Mr. Leader until the PA Treasurer position has been elected. And speaking of elections…
- Expedited elections for the open Secretary and Treasurer positions will be held at the October PA meeting. Additionally, the Title 1 committee needs a new chairperson and members. If you would like to be considered for one of these positions, please send an email to,, or inform Mr. Leader.
- October will be the first of three PA meetings that will be held on a Saturday this year. This is our first time having Saturday meetings. We felt a need to incorporate these alternate dates to accommodate those parents who want to attend but are unable to do so because of work schedules and other reasons.
I would also like to give special thanks to Mr. Kwesi Haynes and the staff members of the ASPIRA afterschool program for coming to speak with the parents about the program. They answered questions, distributed applications, and pledged to work closely with the Parent Association to make this a great year for the students. We look forward to a beneficial partnership with ASPIRA.
Additional Item: I would like to acknowledge Hispanic Heritage Month at our October meeting and am asking parents of Hispanic heritage to donate a cultural dish or beverage for us to share at the October meeting... and one interesting or fun fact from your culture whether you are from Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Columbia, Mexico, etc. Let's all share in celebrating. If you plan to bring a dish, please email to let us know what you are bringing, or you can inform Mr. Leader.
This is going to be a busy year for the Parent Association, so please stay vocal, stay focused, and let’s have an amazing year. See you in October!
Letecia Stewart
President, PGMS Parent Association
Parent Association Meeting Overview (2016-2017)
Written by Leticia Stewart, PA Presient
Parent Association Meeting Overview (June 2017)
Coming Soon. Meeting Date: June 15, 2017 at 6:30pm.
Parent Association Elections Overview (May 2017)
Ms. Letecia Stewart was re-elected President of the Parent Association. The Treasurer and Secretary positions remained vacant. Expedited elections will be conducted in September 2017. If you are a 6th, 7th or 8th grade PGMS parents as of September 2017 and you would like to run for either position, please Click Here.
Parent Association Meeting Overview (April 2017)
Hello PGMS Parents. We missed many of you at this month’s Parent Association meeting, but those in the room were engaged and ripe with feedback. Here are some of the topics discussed.
- Have any of you ever been concerned about the traffic situation around our school? Well, this is an issue of great concern for Ms. Williams as PGMS students have been observed recklessly crossing the street. She will be taking steps to educate students on safety as it relates to being a pedestrian. There was also discussion around the need for an additional crossing guard. We all want to make sure that our children stay safe. So parents, talk to your children about being aware and swift when crossing the streets around the school, and everywhere. Also, if you want to take the fight higher up, consider attending the Community Board 12 meeting on Thursday, April 27th to voice your desire to have another crossing guard assigned to PGMS.
- The Dream Big Talent Competition was a success! Everyone in attendance had a great time. We definitely have some talented kids, but the fun doesn’t stop yet. Look out for details on the next PA sponsored event – the May 18th school dance where students and any caretaker of their choosing get to mix, mingle and dance to the beat.
- Interested in running for a seat on the PA executive board? PA elections are taking place soon. More to come on that very soon.
- The Title 1 Committee is organizing a parent workshop on Thursday, May 11th at 6:30pm. Angel Acosta will be presenting on college preparedness. Please plan to attend and find out steps to take in order to ensure your child—and you— is college ready.
- In honor of Financial Literacy Month, we had a guest speaker. A representative from New York Life Insurance talked about the option of using the cash value portion of whole life insurance to cover a child’s college expenses and other financial goals. We thank her for taking time to come educate us—the parents.
- It’s not too late to pay your PA dues. It’s only $10 and funds raised go towards PA sponsored events for the children and school. Dues can be given to Ms. Bolton, the PA Treasurer, or Mr. Leader, our dedicated Parent Coordinator.
Congrats go out to our 2 prize winners for this month. Mr. Droz (Father of Daniela Droz) won a little something to take the stress away–an aromatherapy diffuser donated by parent Ms. Acosta. And, Ms. Moreno (mother of Suzette Romero-Moreno) won a box of delicious spring-inspired cookies. The box of 2 dozen cookies was totally enough to share with her children, or just treat herself.
The success of the Parent Association depends on having input, support and participation from as many parents as possible. So even if you cannot attend the PA meetings in person, feel free to connect with the PA board via email to share your feedback at Contact us with any questions, comments or if you would like to volunteer for upcoming events.
Hope to see you at the next PA meeting on Thursday, May 11th at 6:00pm where nominees for the PA elections will be finalized before the Title 1 workshop where Dr. Acosta will talk college readiness.
Most Sincerely,
Letecia Stewart
PGMS PA President
Parent Association Meeting Overview (March 2017)
If you missed this month’s Parent Association meeting, you missed a lot. There was plenty on the agenda and here are some of the highlights:
- Why should the kids be the only ones to show some school pride? We parents will soon be able to do it too with PGMS parent t-shirts. Design options were shown at the meeting and parents were able to select the one for the t-shirts. Keep an eye on the website for your chance to order. Let’s show our kids that they are not the only ones who can make a PGMS shirt look good!
- Plans for the Student Talent Show are underway. Auditions were held and we have a lot of great talent in the building. Hopefully, many of you will be able to attend the show on Thursday, April 6th at 4:30pm.
- The PA has a Hershey’s candy fundraiser going on. There are still a few boxes left. Please contact Mr. Leader ASAP if you would like to take a box to sell. If you do, the candies are selling for $2.00 each.
- Have you stopped collecting Box Tops? Please don’t – we still need those. We have passed the Spring submission deadline, but will keep all collected Box Tops to send with the Fall submission. Remember, the more Box Tops we submit, the more money we earn for the school and the more money can be used for our children.
- If you haven’t done so, please pay your PA dues. It’s only $10 and all funds go towards supporting our school and our children. Dues can be given to Ms. Bolton, the PA Treasurer, or Mr. Leader.
The success of the Parent Association depends on having input, support and participation from as many parents as possible. So even if you cannot attend the PA meetings in person, feel free to connect with the PA board via email to share your feedback at Contact us with any questions, comments or if you would like to volunteer for upcoming events.
Congratulations to our 3—yes 3—prize winners for this month! We missed the February meeting, so the February prizes were given out this month. For their children, Ms. Witter won a copy of Elijah of Buxton by Christopher Paul Curtis and Ms. Butler won One More River to Cross: The Stories of Twelve Black Americans by James Haskins. Ms. Bolton won the March prize of a $10 Starbucks gift card to treat herself to a hot cup of coffee before winter is officially over.
Hope to see you at the talent show and at the next PA meeting on Thursday, April 20th at 6:30pm.
Best regards,
Letecia Stewart
PGMS PA President
Parent Association Meeting Overview (February 2017)
Meeting was cancelled due to inclement weather.
Parent Association Meeting Overview (January 2017)
The Parent Association had another great meeting on January 12th. Here are some of the highlights:
· School safety agent Mr. Elmore did a presentation on the procedures in place to keep our children safe while at school.
· We have a number of PA sponsored fundraisers and events coming up including a parent-child dance and Dining to Donate at Applebees. Look out for communications that will be sent home regarding these activities. We are aiming to host another school carnival for the children. Raising funds is critical to making that happen.
· Show your child one more way that you love them. Purchase a $5 candy bag that will be delivered to your child’s classroom on Valentine’s Day. Order details will be sent home very soon.
· The spring submission deadline for Box Tops is March 1st. Please send in any Box Tops you have collected on or before February 20th. Remember, the more Box Tops we submit, the more money we earn for the school.
· If you haven’t done so, please pay your PA dues. It’s only $10 and all funds go towards supporting our school and our children. Dues can be given to Ms. Bolton, the PA Treasurer, or Mr. Leader.
The success of the Parent Association depends on having input, support and participation from as many parents as possible. So even if you cannot attend the PA meetings in person, feel free to connect with the PA board via email to share your feedback at Contact us with any questions, comments or if you would like to volunteer for upcoming events.
Finally, congratulations go out to Ms. Butler for winning this month’s prize – a very lovely candle and candle holder gift set provided by PA member Ms. Asencio. Thanks Ms. Asencio!
Hope to see you at the next PA meeting on Thursday, February 9th at 6:30pm.
Best regards,
Letecia Stewart, PGMS PA President
Parent Association Meeting Brief (December 2016)
The hot topic at this month’s PA meeting was fundraising. The parents in attendance discussed some wonderful ideas to raise funds to benefit our children and our school. From selling hot dogs (which was successfully done at the 12/3 Step Show hosted at the school) and candy to school dances, there will be a number of activities coming up that both parents and kids will be able to enjoy. Look out for more details on that to come soon. We will be reaching out to everyone to volunteer if possible.
One fundraiser in which ALL parents can easily participate is the collection of Box Tops. The school receives 10 cents for every Box Top submitted, so please be sure to watch out for them on the products you purchase. When you find one, clip it and save it. Just make sure the expiration date is showing. We don’t get credit for missing dates or expired Box Tops. We will do the first submission to Box Tops 4 Education on February 24th, so collect away and send in as many as you can before February 17th.
Finally, let’s say congratulations to Ms. Winston for winning this month’s prize giveaway – a $25 gift card to Toys R Us! There will be a new prize each month, but you have to be in the room to have a chance to win. So be sure to join us at the next parent association meeting on Thursday, January 12th @ 6:30pm.
Happy Holidays to you all!
Letecia Stewart
President, PGMS Parent Association