Hello Parents and Students of Pelham Gardens Middle School,
The PTA is sponsoring a lunch to raise funds on Friday, March 21st. For only $5.00 students can get chicken tenders, French fries and a can of soda!! If you would like to get a break from the cafeteria food and help raise money for the PTA, complete this form indicating your interest and give your $5.00 to your advisor by Tuesday, March 18th to get that special lunch on Friday the 21st.
Thank You,
Parent Members/Staff Members of Pelham Gardens Middle School PTA:
Please be aware that the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) of Pelham Gardens Middle School will have its first PTA meeting of the 2024-2025 school year on Monday, December 16, 2024 at 5:30pm. The meeting will be held in-person at our school building at 2545 Gunther Avenue Bronx, New York 10469.
As a Parent Member/Staff Member, you are cordially invited to attend this meeting to meet with other PTA members. The newly elected PTA Executive Board will bring some matters to the table to discuss with all members in attendance. Some of these matters include:
There will be food and beverages served during the meeting so come prepared to Meet, Greet and Eat!
Please register for the meeting on our school website PGMS566.org or check out Class Dojo for the registration link. Your attendance at this meeting is imperative, so please set a reminder on your phone to be a part of this meeting. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Parent Coordinator Mr. Leader at mleader3@schools.nyc.gov or call (718) 794-9750 ext. 4263.
Serena Rodriguez
Serena Rodriguez, President
Parent-Teacher Association of
Pelham Garden Middle School
Hello Pelham Gardens Middle School Parents,
Please be aware that tomorrow, November 14, 2024, Pelham Gardens Middle School students will have a half-day for Parent Teacher Conferences. Students will be dismissed at 11:50am. All parents should have received a phone call from their child's advisor to schedule a time between either 12pm and 2pm in the afternoon, or 4:30pm and 7:00pm in the evening, for a one-on-one 5-minute phone conference. If you believe that you have not received a phone call yet, please reach out to your child's advisor through Class Dojo or email.
Thank You,
Miles-Tyrone: Leader, Parent Coordinator
on behalf of Pelham Gardens Middle School, 11X566
Lauralea Lama-Kennedy
Pelham Gardens Middle School
2545 Gunther Avenue
Bronx, NY 10469
Phone (718) 794 - 9750
Fax (718) 794 - 9756
Hello Pelham Gardens Middle School Parent & Teacher Members:
Join us at 5:30pm for the 2024-2025 Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) Elections on Zoom.
Through fundraising, and some partnerships, the PTA has sponsored incredible events for our students such as:
But without your vote we cannot elect a new Executive Board of the PTA.
Not only is the executive board the governing body of the PTA, but they are the voice of the parents and have a direct impact in the school leadership. You want to make sure you vote for not only the right people, but also those who are passionate about our school. Join us tonight at 5:30pm for the PTA elections and cast your vote.
If you are a parent and would like to run for a position on the Executive Board, such as Treasurer, please let Mr. Leader know on the Election Nomination Form located on the homepage of our school website PGMS566.org.
And to register for the elections, also visit the homepage of our school website PGMS566.org and click Register For (Oct 21th) PTA Elections in the section that says Register For Our Upcoming Events.
The link to join TONIGHT'S PTA Elections is on the PGMS566.org homepage as well.
If you have any concerns or questions pertaining to the elections, please feel free to message me on Class Dojo.
We look forward to seeing you at the PTA elections tonight at 5:30pm.
Miles-Tyrone: Leader, Parent Coordinator
of Pelham Gardens Middle School 11X566
on behalf of the Parent-Teacher Association
of Pelham Gardens Middle School (PTA of PGMS)
Definition: PTA member - any parent or guardian of a Pelham Gardens Middle School student, or any faculty member of the school.
Hello Pelham Gardens Middle School Parent & Teacher Members:
REMEMBER! join us on TONIGHT at 5:30pm for the 2024-2025 Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) Elections on Zoom. Yes, for maximum parent participation, the elections will be virtual (i.e. online) on ZOOM.
Upon entering the Zoom room for the Elections, you must change your name to the following verification code:
Child’s First Name, Last Initial, Dash, their Class (not Advisory);
e.g. if your child is John Smith from class 602, then your verification code would be: JohnS-602, or if your child has two last names and your child name is Jane Smith-Jones from class 704, then your code would be: JaneSJ-704 SIMPLE!
Your verification code must reflect how your child’s name appears in Class Dojo, so they can receive the points (credit) for your participation in the PTA Elections.
For staff members who are voting, your verification code is Title Initial(s),Dash, Your First Initial, Last Initial,Dash,Advisory/GradeYouWorkWithMost; e.g. Math Teacher Michael Morgan 701 Advisor, your verification code would be: MT-MM-701 or 7.
If you are a parent and would like to run for a position on the Executive Board, such as Treasurer, please let Mr. Leader know on the Election Nomination Form located on the homepage of our school website PGMS566.org.
And to register for the elections, also visit the homepage of our school website PGMS566.org and click Register For (Oct 21th) PTA Elections in the section that says Register For Our Upcoming Events.
The link to join TONIGHT'S PTA Elections is on the PGMS566.org homepage as well.
If you have any concerns or questions pertaining to the elections, please feel free to message me on Class Dojo.
We look forward to seeing you at the PTA elections tonight at 5:30pm.
Miles-Tyrone: Leader, Parent Coordinator
of Pelham Gardens Middle School 11X566
on behalf of the Parent-Teacher Association
of Pelham Gardens Middle School (PTA of PGMS)
Definition: PTA member - any parent or guardian of a Pelham Gardens Middle School student, or any faculty member of the school.
Hello Pelham Gardens Middle School Parent/Guardian(s):
We would like to formally invite you to join us on Monday, October 21, 2024 at 5:30pm for the 2024-2025 Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) Expedited Elections via Zoom.
The PTA must elect a new President and Treasurer to the PTA Executive Board for the 2024-2025 school year. As a member1 of the PTA, your attendance is required in order for our PTA to successfully elect a new Executive Board.
The following (current) board members are seeking re-election to their respective seats: Cheney Matos, Secretary | Serena Rodriguez, 1st Vice President | Tahesha Perry, 2nd Vice President;
However, if you would like to run for President, Treasurer or one of the other seats, please let Mr. Leader know via the Election Nomination Form located on our school website PGMS566.org.
To register for the elections, visit our school website PGMS566.org and click Register For (Oct 21st) PTA Elections in the section that says Register For Our Upcoming Events.
Before the elections begin, there will be a brief information session for all parents in attendance. This will show you how to access and navigate some of the school’s resources more conveniently and efficiently.
If you have any concerns or questions pertaining to the elections or the information session, please feel free to 1. call Parent Coordinator Leader in the main office at (718) 794-9750 ext. 4263, 2. email him at mleader3@schools.nyc.gov, 3. message him on the Contact Form under the School Information dropdown on the school website, or 4. stop by the main office in room 426 on the 4th floor.
We look forward to seeing you at the PTA elections on Monday, October 21, 2024 at 5:30pm.
Miles-Tyrone: Leader, Parent Coordinator
of Pelham Gardens Middle School 11X566
on behalf of the Parent-Teacher Association
of Pelham Gardens Middle School (PTA of PGMS)
Hello PTA Parent and Staff Members,
After a very successful school year for the Pelham Gardens Middle School PTA, the year is almost over.
With only a few weeks left, it is time for us to hold PTA elections for our school. We must elect current 6th and 7th grade parents to take the reigns of the PTA Executive Board for September.
Our current 6th and 7th grade PTA board members Cheyeanne Zelaya, Chaney Matos, Serena Rodriguez and Tahesha Perry are all running for re-elections of their respective seats of President, Secretary, 1st Vice-President and 2nd Vice-President. However any current 6th or 7th grade parent who wants to run for election to one of those seats, is more than welcome.
Our current 8th grade board member Venica Heath will be vacating the seat of Treasurer after June 30th. So, the seat of Treasurer needs a ready and willing successor for September. That could be you!
So, we are calling upon all 6th, 7th and 8th grade parents, and all staff members to attend the PTA elections on Tuesday, June 18, 2024 at 5:30pm to help us elect (or re-elect) our 2024-2025 Executive Board for the Pelham Gardens Middle School Parent-Teacher Association. Please register for the PTA Elections and End of Year Meeting now.
Register Now: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMqdeGgpjIuG9HeDa4F9idI9P8jNmozWrcz
Link to Join (6/18/2024 @ 5:30pm): https://nycdoe.zoom.us/s/97728889415
Tyrone Leader, Parent Coordinator
Pelham Gardens Middle School
2545 Gunther Avenue, 4th Floor
Bronx, New York 10469
(718) 794-9750 ext. 4076
fax: (718) 794-9756
Hello Pelham Gardens Middle School Parents,
Join us for the FINAL WORKSHOP OF OUR 3-SERIES of workshop for PGMS parents.
Awarded Teacher of The Year twice, Robin Director of Coaching Tara Karch spent 14 years as an elementary school teacher and served on the Social Emotional Learning Leadership team. Tara empowers Robin students to manage and reframe stress and build resilience by introducing them to compassionate tools and techniques.
Felicia Tomasko
Felicia is a renowned Yoga and Ayurveda Instructor, as well as a Registered Nurse. Channeling her expertise in cognitive neuropsychology, plant biochemistry, and yoga therapy, Felicia teaches Robin students the importance of self-care.
Join our FREE workshop Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 5:30pm:
Tara Karch is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Tara Karch's Personal Meeting Room
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 848 8188 6858
Passcode: 266437
See you at the workshops,