Hello Parents. On this page you can preview and download each form or letter by clicking on the link provided in each section. Forms are broken up into summertime, beginning of the year, and throughout the year. More letters and forms will be added to this section as time progresses, so please refer back to this section and check for any updates. If you have any questions or concerns, please email Parent Coordinator Mr. Leader at tleader@pgms566.org. Here are your letters and forms for 2017-2018 school year :
Student Lateness Accountability Letter -To address the issue of student lateness, we have implemented a new system. If you have not received a hard copy of this letter, please download it below.
Monthly Calendars - We provide our parents with a nice calendar (more list) of all the important events going in a particular month. A new calendar will be distributed and available by the last day of each month.
Monthly Event Flyers - Each Month, PGMS will provide our parents and students flyers for coming events. If you misplaced or forgot the flyer distributed by the school, you can always download a copy here.
PA Meeting & Family Workshop Dates - To maximize your ability and opportunity to be as involved in your child's school as possible, we have provided you a list of all Parent Association Meeting Dates and all Family Workshop Dates for the whole year. You can download this two page flyer if you ever lose the hard copy provided by the Parent Coordinator.
Parent Association Contribution Letter - Each year, the Parent Association asks all parents to a contribute $10.00 towards the PA to help raise funds for all the incredible activities the PA does for the school. However, parents are more than welcome to contribute any amount they are comfortable giving. The Parent Association understand every parents works hard, so any contribution is greatly appreciated.
Parent Welcome Letter - This is just a few welcoming words from the Parent Coordinator to the parent of PGMS.
Discipline Policy - It is important to know the rules and regulation; policies and procedures of your child's school. Here we provide you our school's discipline policy. Please download this document and read with your child.
Supply List - There is one list for 6th, 7th and 8th grade. The supply list will tell you what supplies students will need for the start of school in September.
Uniform Information Form - Download the uniform information form for instructions on how to order your child's uniform.
Parent Complaint Form - If you have a complaint as a parent, Pelham Gardens Middle School requires you to fill out Parent Complaint Form. This is now required so we can better address your concern and assist you with whatever issue you may have. You can download this form, fill it out at home and bring it in, or you may come to the main office (Room 426), fill out the form and give it to Ms. Holton. You question, concern or issue will be addressed immediately after you complete the form.
ASPIRA Enrollment Form - If you would like your child to participate in our incredible after school program, or if you are a student who would like to be a part of the after school program, then simply download the ASPIRA form, fill it out and return it to Parent Coordinator Mr. Leader or one of the ASPIRA staff member.